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Flecto Optical Toy

Mission Statement
Flecto Optical Toy provides an interactive optical science learning experience for kids in elementary schools. 
While kids' knowledge and cognitive skills are rapidly developing during elementary school, having an interactive experimental toy to learn the light's logic is beneficial.
Simultaneously, Flecto Optical Toy creates mysterious and beautiful effects we rarely can see during daily life, which brings visual satisfaction.

First video: The name Flecto combines two words, "reflective" and "toy." The logo motion mimics the light effect that the toy creates.

(Illustrator, Cinema 4D)

Second video: Playing the light with Flecto will create magical effects.

Cinema 4D, After Effects)

Toy Type: Lose Part
toy detail

There are eight different pieces in Flecto. Each of them plays a different role in light effects.


Light Diffuser


Light Sensor


Light Provider

Light Stick

Light Provider


Light Turner


Light Refractor


Light Refractor


Light Reflector

The render of each pieces.

(Rhinoceros, Cinema 4D, After Effects)

Both of these two are modular. The platonic pieces can be rearranged.

package and charger
Package and Charger

Here comes the clean and elegant package.
After all, the adults, especially the parents, are the consumers of the toys.
Flecto Optical Toy is targeting mid-high-class and high-class families who are more affordable to high-end or premium consumption. This package design fits their taste.


The front side of the package.

(InDesign, Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Photoshop)


The backside of the package, with the info of the 8 types of pieces and a warning tag for safety.

(InDesign, Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Photoshop)


Package opened. In the drawer underneath, you can see the wireless charger for the electric pieces.

(InDesign, Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Photoshop)

You also have the option to purchase individual pieces. 

The packages are as shown below. 

8 individual packages2.jpg

Individual packages.

(InDesign, Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Photoshop)

Since some pieces are electronic, they need to be charged once in a while. The charger is designed especially for Flecto. Wireless charging technology is getting popular these days.


(Cinema 4D)


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